Health Benefits Iftar with Kurma

Health Benefits Iftar with Kurma merupakan topik kali ini yang akan kita bahas.

Sweet black fruit never seemed to miss the fasting month of arrival. Yes, for those who break their fast with dates is recommended. Not just a tradition, but it does keep the healthy benefits of dates.

This palm sugar complex, gradual absorption. Then, there is also an element of the fiber, vitamins and minerals. For the initial requirements, it can all be met with dates.

Palm fruit has positive benefits, especially if consumed during fasting. According to the advantages of dates is having carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. This makes the date palm can provide power more quickly, but did not make the weak eat. Moreover, because the date palm has fiber, it can prevent constipation.

Dates I mean the fresh dates, not date palm sweets. Currently, the lot sold is a date palm in the form of sweets.

Average of 3-4 meals a date, it is still reasonable. And, do not eat too much. A very good time as well if taken at dawn.

While it is recommended in addition to eat dates to break the fast at the time was also drinking sweet tea. The sugar is sugar sweet tea straight, simple sugars, readily absorbed. 6-8 hours does not eat right blood sugar down.

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