Where do I buy Guinea Pig in Bandung,Indonesia?

Where do I buy Guinea Pig in Bandung,Indonesia? merupakan topik kali ini yang akan kita bahas.

Q. Where do I buy guinea pig in petshop in Bandung? Please answer with the address of the pet shop and the name of the pet shop.

A. 1000 Main st.

What is the time difference between Phoenix, AZ and Bandung, Indonesia?
Q. Does Bandung use Daylight Savings Time

A. no daylight saving time in Bandung.

Bandung is +7 from GMT

How could I find a gorgeous, but less expensive clothing in Indonesia? Especially in Bandung?

A. There are a lot of factory outlets in Bandung, they are known to be the mecca of factory outlets (FO) in fact. You will see them pretty much everywhere, the biggest one being Rumah Mode (www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Asia/Indonesia/East_Java_Province/Bandung-1223569/Shopping-Bandung-BR-1.html ).
At the FO, you will find mostly Indonesian-made clothing that are made for export. Some of the famous brands like Gap, Banana Republic, Ambercombie and Fitch, among others can be found there. They are sold cheaper than the regular stores cause:
1. Discontinued models
2. Excess unsold inventory

Zara, a popular place for the young and the stylish is also something to consider. Their prices are not dirt cheap, but cheap enough to look good in. Zara can be found in famous Jakarta malls (plaza Indonesia, senayan city).

Is RumahTawa in Bandung, Indonesia close to FO in Jalan Riau?
Q. I want to know if it's walking distance or if travel by Angkutan, how many trips do we have to take? Is RumahTawa better than Wisma Gandapura / De' Tropis. I'm still undecided between these 3. Please advise.

Thank you, people!

A. Yes it is within walking distance and there are a lot of shopping places abound . Wisma Gandapura is a bit run down . If you want good Hotels get a 3 star hotel . You get what you pay for

Based on internet reviews De' Tropis is a good option

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