Perum DAMRI 64 Years Old

Perum DAMRI 64 Years Old merupakan topik kali ini yang akan kita bahas.

Ditulis ulang oleh Budi @ Indonesia siap bersaing di SERP - Admittedly, all this time, DAMRI enthused for being able to meet several criteria for passengers. As a public company, especially in providing transportation services on the highway, DAMRI considered able to give a sense of safe, reliable, affordable, and superior in performance. A condition that will be hard to find on other transportation companies in the increasingly tight competition level the competitive of late.

Moreover DAMRI present to participate and support the policies of government programs in economics, and national development in general. Particularly in sub-sector land transportation with a fleet of buses and trucks, as well as taking into account the principles of corporate management. Currently Perum DAMRI able to grow and develop as a transport company that qualified and professional. Public interest or consumer, have integrity and high mobility, and able to run the vision and mission well.

In the future, of course DAMRI must be able to provide transportation services of superior world-class highway, capable of satisfying the service user, DAMRI owners, employees and communities concerned. Thus DAMRI capable of being a trendsetter for other public transport in ground water. To achieve all that is not an easy job.

Because all employees must understand and appreciate DAMRI company's values. That every human being has the attitude DAMRI hard-working, honest (open) and never give up in providing services to the community and maintain the independence of the company by creating an atmosphere of peace through cooperation, both working in an atmosphere of togetherness, and may provide a sense of security by keeping the working environment a fun and friendly behavior based on the power of faith and piety.

Ditulis ulang oleh Budi @ Indonesia siap bersaing di SERP

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