Bandung Travel Guide: Top 3 Places When You Travel in Bandung

Bandung Travel Guide: Top 3 Places When You Travel in Bandung merupakan topik kali ini yang akan kita bahas.

1. Situ Patenggang Bandung
Is a natural lake located in the tea plantations bali Ranch, located about 47 Km from the city of Bandung. Tourism is the tube cool and fresh, very far away from pollution. On the edge of the lake there are many boats which can be rented to tourists around the lake.
MyParisvanJavaCity Traveler's Tips: Visiting this place is better in the morning until noon, because in the afternoon the fog normally would come down. The fog is very dense there patengan visibility even be only 1-2 feet away so it will not look anything sight. To rent a boat around the lake you should make a bargain price in advance. Usually the price offered around Rp. 10,000 - Rp. 15,000 per person.

2. Kawah Putih (White crater)

Still located in Bali Ranch area, located about 44 Km from the city of Bandung, or rather in Sugih village, Pasir Jambu district. Kawah Putih is a crater lake of Mount Patuha, with a height of 2434 meters above sea level. This crater is one of the crater that has the highest sulfur acidity in the world, so that the Dutch colonial government had built sulfur factory in this place.

The uniqueness of this tourist attraction is its crater which is white, the air is very cold here could even reach 0 to 2 degrees Celsius in certain seasons.

MyParisvanJavaCity Traveler's Tips: Just as Situ Patenggang, in the afternoon Kawah Putih typically falls very thick fog. In addition, sulfur levels become very high, so that Kawah Putih is often closed in the afternoon.

3. Strawberry Garden
Strawberry picking tours, this kind of tourism is now very popular with tourists.

Strawberry is a leading agro products from Bandung regency, especially in areas Ciwidey. In this area there are many traditional strawberry garden to garden with professional management. You are free to choose a garden which you love and picking yourself right.

MyParisvanJavaCity Traveler's Tips: Strawberry is very good quality outside the rainy season, because it is easily damaged / rotten if frequently exposed to rain water. If you visit during the rainy season, should choose strawberry-covered garden / green house use.

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