ToniJack's Funny Pirates who ready to fill your stomach

ToniJack's Funny Pirates who ready to fill your stomach merupakan topik kali ini yang akan kita bahas.


Pirates are often impressed scary. With one eye closed and the skull cap picture, an impression emphasized sangar. However, pirates may also appear friendly, and ready to fill that rumbling stomach with a delicious variety of dishes.

That piece of philosophy that makes Bambang Rachmadi, as the founder Tonijack's Indonesia, using a pirate as a symbol of his fast food restaurant.

Pirates used by Bambang, it appears funny and friendly. His hat was not merely black, but sweetened with orange and green colors. This color is also a decoration from the 13 restaurants that Tonijack's Indonesia in Jakarta and Bandung. Besides the skull logo on the cap, replaced with a silhouette of a jumbo burger complete with a spoon and fork crossed typical restaurant.

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